Professor Jaffer AA Khan, Director Marg Institute of Design and Architecture and Swarnabhoomi, spoke on "Low Carbon and Our Culture" at Nispana Conference at Chennai on 19th January 2012. His talk started human culture and its response to the needs of mankind. He said that Man's future is bleak on this planet and the time has come for it to respond or react to the damage man has done to it. This is already seen in the recent past the way planet mother has reacted causing severe damage to man and his material wealth. Hence man has no other option but to settle in other planetary environment for which he has to pay heavy price. The world Scientific community he said is already at it and this century will see a big change in human endeavor . The Americans are already planning to settle on Moon and Mars. Commercial flights to Space and Hotels in Space is already on the cards and the experimentation is in advance stage.
Hence, it is important that the lower economies which cannot afford to settle in space, to take stock of the situation and save themselves from the wrath of the mother planet. We still have time he says.... but Man has to decide.